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Art Classes with Marc Surrency

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Class 1: Measurement



Revisiting Mr. Bear

Step 3

Now that we've located the vertical positions of the important landmarks, we have to find their horizontal positions.  We also have to  locate the position of some important horizontal landmarks.  All of the horizontal positions have to defined by a vertical landmark.  For example, the distance of the right side of the head from the center line has to be defined by it's vertical position, such as that distance at vertical position for the eye.

Some of the landmarks include the edges of the right and left side of the head, the center of the eyes, the center of the nose, the location of the sides of the feed and the position of the crotch.  We also have to find the horizontal positions for the landmarks whose vertical positions we just found in steps 2 and 3.

So, using the same technique we used in steps 2 and 3, we find how far the landmarks are from the center line.  For measuring the width of the head I found that the right side was about a 3/4 head from the center line at eye level.  The total width measured approximately 1 1/6 heads.  So to find position of the left side of the head, I found the right edge first (3/4 head from the center line at eye level) and then measured 1 1/6 heads across at eye level.  Likewise, I found that distance from the centerline to the right paw was very close to 1 1/4 heads.  The distance from the center line to the left edge wasn't close to an easy fraction.  However the total width was easy - 2 and 3/4 heads.  So I found the position of the right paw from the center line and marked it. Then I just measured across 2 3/4 heads and marked the edge of the foot.







© 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002 Marc J. Surrency.  Artist scans, images, and web design are protected by copyright. Physical or electronic reproduction in whole or part is unlawful without written permission of the artist.